Pier Achille (Pirro) Cuniberti was born in Padulle, a hamlet of Sala Bolognese, on September 10 1923.
From 1945 to '48 he is a student of the Accademia di Belle Arti with Giorgio Morandi and Giovanni Romagnoli as his teachers. In 1950 he collaborates with Dino Gavina to realize shop windows and to create fair stands. In 1952 he starts utilizing the ballpoint pen to draw on paper machine and his drawings reach the artistic abstraction.
In 1953 he received the commission for the chair of Professional Drawing in the section of Painting decoration of the Accademia di Belle Arti (Arts Academy). He was subsequently director of the laboratory and subsequently director of that of Ceramic Art. He left teaching in 1978.
On June 15 1955 he marries Laura (Lalla) Baisi, who bore three daughters.
In December 1957 he inaugurated his first personal exhibition, with the presentation done by Francesco Arcangeli. In 1965 he is invited to the Quadriennal exhibition in Roma. In 1979 he stops painting on canvas and he paints on masonite's board (laminated pressed wood) prepared with an acrylic base applied by buffer and then painted.
In 1982 he exposes in Paris the "Livres d’Art et d’Artistes" exhibition in the Centre Georges Pompidou. In 1984 he exposes his first retrospective exhibition called "Vita d’Artista" in the Pinacoteca Nazionale of Bologna. Then he exposes in Ferrara, in Bologna again at the Museo Archeologico di Bologna, London and Berlin. In 2007 he exposes at the Accademia di Belle Arti from Brera. In 2008 the first important personal exhibition at the ESSO Gallery from New York.
Email: info@pirrocuniberti.it
Site/minisite/other: http://www.pirrocuniberti.it
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