Inaugurated in 2011, this venue of the Museo Archeologico Ambientale takes in and displays the materials found in the nearby Terramara during the extensive research conducted in the territory since the 90s. The study conducted on these finds makes it possible to compare the Anzola settlement and its community with the European situation during the Bronze Age, as well as with the Mediterranean and Near East ones.
The Emilian area was, in fact, one of the most densely populated in Europe between the 16th and 12th centuries BC (Middle and Late Bronze Age). The settlement was just the so-called typical "terramara" ("marl"): a square village, surrounded by a moat. These settlements existed in large numbers (over 250 sites) in the central Po valley. The marl in Anzola dell'Emilia falls fully into this category.
The archaeological and environmental surveys have enabled us to reconstruct the events and characteristics of a core settlement: a community dating back to 3,300 years ago, very well organized, open to trade and commerce.
The Museum includes a suggestive didactic room that recreates the inside of a "terramara" hut with drawings and copies of objects and furniture.
Archaeological environmental museum - The venue of Anzola dell'Emilia
Via Emilia 87
40011 Anzola dell'Emilia
Telephone: 0039 051 6871757
Free entry
- Art & Culture
Opening hours: Saturday from 10 a.m. to 12 noon and Sunday from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. It is possible to request extraordinary openings by contacting the secretariat (email address: or Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. contact 051 6871757)