The artist Gaetano Gandolfi was born in San Matteo della Decima (10 km from San Giovanni in Persiceto). He was a painter and followed his family's footsteps: his brother Ubaldo, his son Mauro and his nephew Democrito were all painters as well.
He attended the Accademia Clementina in Bologna, where he won several sculpture competitions as well as self-portrait ones.
After one-year stay in Venice in 1760 and after trips abroad, as well as a large number of short stays abroad, he finally returned to Bologna, were he revived the academic virtuosity of Bolognese Baroque with the Tiepolesque colouring. Here, he devoted himself to fresco painting in several churches and convents, including the Basilica di San Petronio.
His works of art, which can be admired at the Pinacoteca Nazionale di Bologna (National Art Gallery of Bologna), are also kept in a large number of museums and art galleries all over the world, such as the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York and the Louvre Museum in Paris.
In the Chiostro Terzo of the Cimitero Monumentale della Certosa in Bologna there is a beautyful monument entitled to Gaetano Gandolfi, attributed to the sculptor Giovanni Putti.
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