Stefano Bicocchi, Vito his artistic name, was born in San Giovanni in Persiceto (BO) on December 23 1957.
Graduated as a mechanical engineer, Vito joined the theatre school "Nuova Scena" managed by Alessandra Galante Garrone. In the 1982-83 season he partecipated as a guest to the show of the "Gran Pavese Varietà", where he met Syusy Blady, Patrizio Roversi and Gemelli Ruggeri. Thus began an artistic partnership. Vito participated as a silent presence in many television programs ("Lupo solitario", "Drive In", "Bulldozer"), but also in films such as "La voce della luna" by Federico Fellini (1990), "Ivo il tardivo" and "Ritorno a casa Gori" by Alessandro Benvenuti (1995 and 1996); "Radiofreccia" by Luciano Ligabue (1998).
Much engaged in the theatre, he created a poetry of the plain country with the group of Teatro stabile Arena del Sole of Bologna reviving masks like those of Bertoldo and Don Camillo.
On the Gambero Rosso channel he is leading from many years the program "Vito con i suoi" (Vito and his family) dedicated to traditional Bolognese cuisine every thursday evening, where he cooks together with parents and his father, a former cook, Roberto Bicocchi.
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