Where: via 24 Maggio - 40018 San Pietro in Casale (BO)
When: February 14th, 23rd and March 6th, 2025
The historical Carnival of San Pietro in Casale allows people to go to the Court of King Sandròn Spaviròn, the stock comic character reigning over this Carnival since 1871. On both Sundays the town streets are covered with masked carnival parades and funny allegoric floats. Visitors can have refreshments with typical local food and wine.
On the second Sunday at 8PM, after his triumphal entry into the historical centre of the town, King Sandròn Spaviròn reads his will to the assembled crowd and usually makes everybody laugh because of its biting satire. At the end of the reading, a puppet representing the Carnival is set on fire, according to tradition.
Carnevale di San Pietro in Casale
40018 San Pietro in Casale
Telephone: 0039 051 6669556
Site/minisite/other: http://www.carnevaledisanpietroincasale.it
Free entry
from 2.30pm.